About project
Period: March – April 2021
Client: Ministry of Health, Kenya
Subject: Schistosomiasis in Tana River County
The Ministry of Health embarked on a campaign geared towards eliminating Schistosomiasis or Bilharzia in Tana River County.
On this assignment, our responsibility was to produce a documentary film highlighting the plight of the residents, the severity of the disease in the area and also highlight the interventions that the Ministry of Health has put in place to try and contain the situation.
Bilharzia is endemic in Kenya, despite being categorized under Tropical and Neglected Diseases, especially in the irrigated agricultural zones and densely populated urban and suburban areas. In Tana River where we undertook this assignment, residents have suffered bilharzia for several decades dating back to the colonial era as is told by the residents of Kilelengwani.
We accompanied staff and officials from the Ministry of Health as they went through several villages of Tana River sensitizing the communities and distributing medicines as we documented and captured stories from residents.
- A 8-10 minute documentary of schistosomiasis & SHTs.
- Three 3-minute documentaries covering the following.
– Understanding schistosomiasis & SHTs and Cultural beliefs that have hindered care & treatment.
– Effects of FGS; understanding symptoms, management & treatment.
– Interventions being implemented to curb schistosomiasis & SHTs in the region.
- Graphical illustration on the spread of schistosomiasis & SHTs.
- Three 3-minute radio stories made from the documentaries.